Mothers’ Summit
Come let’s secure a better tomorrow for our seeds today on our knees praying to the God who delights in answering His people. The Bible states: “the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force”. Let’s use the weapon of prayers and intercession to secure the future that God has ordained and planned for our seeds from the foundation of the earth.
The Mothers’ Summit was born out of a burden to help mothers achieve the best in their role of child rearing and to ensure that children who are the heritage of God are nurtured and nourished in the light of God’s word; so that they may be a blessing to their family and the nation at large.
The Society believes that children are the Leaders of tomorrow, but contemporary research in Child psychology promulgates that children are the Leaders of today, whatever virtues you fail to build in them today will stunt the leadership traits in them. The leadership traits in them are cultivated from age 0-18, whatever Biblical and societal values mothers fail to inculcate in them within this age bracket may never be built in them again except there is a divine intervention. Her burden for mothers and their children is motivated by this truism, moreso, God commissioned her.
The First Mothers’ Summit was held in, Akure, Ondo State This meeting was packed with eager mothers who desired a glorious present and future for their seeds; mothers from various towns in the State stormed the meeting and spend five hours (5) non-stop praying for their seed, some mothers travelled from as far as Abuja, Osogbo, Ibadan, Osun, Ekiti, and even Lagos to be part of this meeting.
The London Edition of Mothers’ Summit flagged off in March 2010; it was an awesome and humble experience. Therefore mothers, expecting mothers and those believing God for the fruit of the womb from all parts of Lagos and walks of life are invited to the Mothers’ Summit; please feel free to view the summit’s schedule, so that you are kept abreast on the specific dates.
be ready and prepared to receive it for our seeds.
Watch the Replay of the Latest Edition
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